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upload one file and multi file in angularjs

upload one file and multi file in angularjs

Để upload file trong angularjs cần viết directive 

app.directive('photoFile', function($parse){

    return {

      restrict: 'A',

      link : function(scope, element, attributes){

        var set = $parse(attributes.photoFile);

        element.bind('change', function(){

          set.assign(scope, element[0].files);






Up nhiều file

app.directive('attachmentFile', function($parse){

    return {

      restrict: 'A',

      link : function(scope, element, attributes){

        var model = $parse(attributes.attachmentFile);

        var assign = model.assign;

        element.bind('change', function(){

          var files = [];

          angular.forEach(element[0].files, function(file){




            assign(scope, files);


          // model.assign(scope, element[0].files);

          // scope.$apply();






Trong hàm upload file 

$scope.createEmployee = function(){



    var form = $scope.empfrm;

    var fd = new FormData();



    fd.append('description', form.description);

    fd.append('photo', form.photo_file[0]);


    angular.forEach(form.attachment_files, function(file, key){

      var filename = 'attached_file'+key;

      fd.append(filename, file);



    // call sevice

    EmployeeHttpService.saveMultipartFormData('/admin/product/category/add', fd, function(response){


      // $scope.showSimpleToast('Thêm thành công !')

      toaster.pop('success', "Thêm thành công !", '', 5000, 'trustedHtml');





Sử dụng directive trong html

 <div class="col-sm-5">

                      <div class="form-group">

                        <label for="">Ảnh đại diện</label>

                        <input type="file" name="image" class="form-control" photo-file="empfrm.photo_file"



                        <div class="mrow">

                          <img style="width: 180px; height: 150px; text-align: center;" class="img-

                          thumbnail" src="" alt="" ng-src="{{ photo }}"/>



                      <div class="form-group">

                        <label for="">Hình kèm theo</label>

                        <input id="attachments" type="file" attachment-file="empfrm.attachment_files" 

                        onchange="angular.element(this).scope().previewAttachments(event)" multiple />

                        <div class="mrow">

                          <ul style="padding-left: 20px;">

                              <li class="attachment_list" ng-repeat="attachment in attachments">

                                  {{ attachment }}




